Guidelines for Rules

Site manager ask all users to respect rules about security, scientific good practices, sampling and communication rules.

Security Rules

Due to the localization of the station in a remote site, security rules are highly important for the Paracou Station:

  • It is very easily to get lost in the forest. That’s why, visitors must be in a group at least 3 people when in the field. If you do get lost, avoid moving too much.
  • The commonest accidents are falls and bites. A pharmacy is available and located in the main carbet, called “kitchen carbet”.
  • When arriving from and leaving the lifebase to the field, all users must fill in the visitor book (located in the main carbet, called “kitchen carbet”), the following information: names of ALL users, visited plots, hours of departure and specify any encountered problems
  • When you leave the station permanently, visitors owe close the main gate and bring the key back to Kourou.
  • The possession and use of guns on site is strictly forbidden.

Reminder, security on site is under the direction of Cirad, but is under the responsability of all.

Scientific Good Practices

All researchers whose projects are granted approval must agree with the following:

  • To provide a written and exhaustive description of areas to be used in the project, including maps illustrating locations of plots or transects and detailed descriptions of any field markings.
  • To provide the local site manager with written updates regarding the status of the project.
  • To provide upon completion of a project the references and locations of any samples collected during the study.
  • To provide within three months of departure a short report detailing the activities at the site.
  • To acknowledge in all publications resulting from work conducted at the site "Paracou Research Station, managed by Cirad. To send a copy of the publication to the science coordinator.
  • To present during each field mission to French Guiana a seminar on the work being conducted at the site, and its context in the researcher's home laboratory.

Sampling in the field

Research projects should clearly state the scientific goals and the used methods so that managers can better articulate the current projects and samplings:

  • New projects must not interfere with research in progress.
  • All highly destructive manipulations are forbidden in the established plots (P1-17), and in a 50m buffer zone around the perimeter of these plots. Included in this definition are the sampling of individuals or tissue, the cutting of trees, and the removal of vegetation, litter, or soil. Exceptions will be granted for temporary projects, with written permission from Cirad.
  • The use of climbing spikes for canopy access is prohibited in the established plots (P1-17).
  • All tagging of plants or animals, and all sampling techniques (including removal or translocation of seeds, seedlings, or tissue), must be clearly defined in the research description to be approved. The position and identification of all marks and tags must be indicated, and all material must be removed from the site upon completion of the study.  The maintenance of any field material in the absence of the investigator must be approved by Cirad.  If any material is left in place without indication or permission, it will be removed by Cirad team, and the cost of removal will be billed to the person responsible.
  • All sampling of animal tissue or individuals using firearms or other means is prohibited within the established plots.
  • All sampling of plant tissue using firearms is prohibited within the established plots.  Exceptions will be granted, with written permission, if the sampling design will clearly aid in the botanical determination of individuals in the database.
  • The introduction of foreign species or genotypes to the reserve is prohibited. Exceptions will be granted for temporary projects, with written permission from Cirad.


The regulation document include an appendix with complete rules. This document has to be approved and signed  before coming at the station (see Authorizations and residence fees ).

For further information, please contact Laetitia Proux, in charge of rules for Health and safety committees (CHSCT).